Antarctic Expeditions
Antarctica by Sea and Air
Antartic Flights
Fly to Antarctica and tour for the day, with option of staying overnight.
Antartic Cruises
Cruise to Antarctic Peninsula and further: Polar Circle, Weddell Sea, Ross Sea, South Georgia, Falkland Island and mid-Atlantic Islands. Adventures last from 10 to 34 days.
Antarctic Sailboats
Sail to Antarctica on board of sailboats. Expeditions last from 21 to 39 days.
Antarctica Air-Cruises
Combine both sailing and flying. Fly in only 2 hours over the Drake Passage and board your ship directly in Antarctica, saving the 2.5-day navigation across the Drake Passage that is made each way in a regular cruise. Experiences last from 6 to 10 days
Contact Us
Contact information
Lautaro Navarro 1083, office 4, Punta Arenas, Chile
Cell:(56) 9 - 8836 7614